About Sean

Since 1992, I’ve had the privilege of professionally exploring a variety of aspects of the animated film-making process. Upon leaving California Institute of the Arts, I began working as a traditional Animation Assistant, and shortly thereafter as a traditional Animator. During this time, I had the rare opportunity to work closely with a mentor - Dale Baer, who was himself trained by Disney’s “Nine Old Men” - before ultimately making the switch to CG animation in 1998 on “Stuart Little”.

In 2006, I shifted my focus to story in an effort to continue developing myself artistically. The unexpected outcome of this shift was finding that my background as an animator greatly benefited my work in story, and subsequently that my time working in story greatly benefited my animation. Simply put, having spent significant time as both an animator and storyboard artist has afforded me the ability to better understand the storytelling process from developing a film's initial concept all the way through to how every twitch, eye dart, and sigh does its part to communicate and strengthen that concept.
I've enjoyed similar artistic discoveries throughout my years in the field of animation having typically been involved with films from early development all the way through to the end of production. Spending significant amounts of time working on story development, writing, character designs, inspirational artwork, performing as a voice actor, animating, supervising animation crews of up to 130 artists, storyboarding, being Head of Story, Directing, and now as Creative Director at a studio of over 1200 employees, has made for an extremely enjoyable and educational career.
Ultimately, this is the industry I’ve spent my entire life since childhood dedicated to. I sincerely look forward to continuing to grow as an artist within it, and to applying the experiences I’ve gained throughout the years to future animated projects. Thank you for your time.

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